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Dusty Pink Angels

Green Moss Agate Bracelets

Green Moss Agate Bracelets

Regular price ÂĢ14.14 GBP
Regular price Sale price ÂĢ14.14 GBP
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ðŸŒēðŸŒī🍃💚 Green Moss Agate ðŸŒģ🍀ðŸĪĐ Green Moss Agate brings peace and stability to the emotional body. It is especially helpful to those who experience extreme mood swings and those addicted to emotional drama in their lives. It soothes volatile tempers and promotes patience, wholeness, and inner calm.

Moss Agate releases deep-seated fear and stresses, expanding your personal space and growth. It stimulates a good self image and strengthens positive personality traits, including the ability to get along with others. An optimistic crystal, Moss Agate is helpful for those suffering from difficult life circumstances, depression or brain imbalances to find hope and trust, and to keep trying. ðŸŒģ💚 #greenmoss #mossagate #agate #green #moss #crystals

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